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  • Writer's picturePaula Cooper

19 November Ilha Grande to Rotherwick: Deluged Delayed Delighted

Breakfast entertainment; thunder and lightning; very dramatic tropical downpour compensation for intermittent internet and no wifi!

Lovely cheese and tomato omelette and strange Brazilian coconut milk cake thingy!

Will the deluge pass so we make our two boat crossings to the mainland! At least we are going home so chance of soggy belongings being rectified.

Luckily the weather broke enough for us to just make it from Angra dos Reis port to the taxi. A long traffic filled drive found us too early to checkin. Ordering coffee we discovered cappuccino is a different sickly sweet chocolate drink and not the Italian coffee we are familiar with; explains my earlier confusion.

Sadly bags checked we discovered a couple of hours delay due to an unwell passenger unfortunately requiring a return to Buenos Aires. Airport strangely empty, literally no one at security check, or passport control; never had such a quick experience. Offered a food voucher we couldn’t find the stated restaurant so we used Simon's access to American Airlines' lounge and sampled thanksgiving high tea instead!

Changing from sundress to warm clothes ready for the long night flight home, sad the experience is over, but happy to be going home, delighted at the prospect of sleeping in my own bed. Excited to see the girls who are kindly working from our house to welcome us home and be our chauffeur; all those childhood parental taxi services finally paying off!

Let's hope the rest of our journey goes well. It really has been delightful, tremendous fun, hard at times, an amazing adventure! I can't believe how lucky I am.

Early morning thunderstorms at breakfast; view from breakfast bar.

Boat transfers to Abraāo (first 2) and Angra dos Reis on the mainland (last 3)

Airport lounge; plane delayed due to seriously unwell passenger unfortunately requiring a return to Buenos Airies.

Updates and Simon's photos to follow or replace mine!

We stayed at home.

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