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  • Writer's picturePaula Cooper

Day 24 Lands End to Lamorna Bleak; Blowy; Bouldery & Blackthorny; the Bard!

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Donning waterproofs, fortified with kindness (including free breakfast from our lovely hosts at Landend hostel) we headed back to join the path. White sea mist; where was Landsend?

Lulled by an easy sheltered start, we turned the corner. The wind picked up as we walked in and out of damp drizzle over undulating bleak windswept granite strewn moor, reminiscent of Dartmoor, with the bouldery coast not vertigo inducing. Descending into Porthgwarra I spied facilities and morning coffee! Where an unbelievably daring robin flew down, pecking flapjack from my husband’s hand.

Replenished, the path enclosed in blackthorn and undergrowth we climbed up to the Minack theatre; no ticket no entry. I did see a Cornish Chough finally! Well turns out apparently not after all.

Enclosed in undergrowth (sometimes literally, sometimes helpfully strimmed) it was back to ascending and descending steep steps passing secluded beaches across headlands with rugged views. Blustery bipolar weather had us stopping frequently to stash or don waterproofs. The unkind path crossed muddy swamps, tight narrow hawthorny nettley passages with low hanging trees requiring limboing skills, rocky beach scrambles, granite boulders; great views when we could see them.

Half a mile from Lamorna our son called; new lenses! A while later, “Where are you?” He then saw me, flash of orange descending the cliff face after an intense difficult rocky scramble!

Then luxury; shower plus a car ride back to the Minack theatre to see 12th Night with a wonderful picnic!

Official SW Coast path: 12miles

Official running total: 265miles

If you would like support our walk for Alzheimer’s the two charity just giving pages are


You can also find me on instagram; search for paulas.mad.adventures

Thank you


PS We stayed at Lamorna Pottery BnB Lamorna on 25 May;

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1 comentario

26 may 2022

Minack theatre is special. I can't believe you saw the same play as I did 25 years ago at the Minack theatre. Hope you enjoyed it. Scenery is stunning.

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