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  • Writer's picturePaula Cooper

Day 56 Worth Matravers to S Haven Point; Squally; Scintillating; Superb Sands; Successful; Sad;

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Returning from the very early morning car shuffle our wonderful children brought Dorset apple cake and coffee! Feeling slightly more awake, under threatening squally skies we headed early down to join the path at the quarry walking into the teeth of the wind!

We followed the cliff hugging blustery path buffeted up and down steep steps around bays offering great views of the Jurassic coast and granite out crops sadly for the last time. More scintillating conversation and family word association games meant suddenly we turned the corner to see Anvil point Light house; we’d missed dancing ledge.

Stopping to walk around the world at Durlston Castle (and use their facilities) we eschewed their cafe in favour of brunch later. After absorbing the view at Peveril point we strolled across Swanage harbour to reach the first seaside cafe and brunch; perhaps regretting our earlier decision!

Our last climb over, we stopped and savoured the moment. Amidst the tourists we enjoyed the last windy Jurassic views, the end in sight; Old Harry’s rocks echo the needles on the isle of Wight.

Downhill passing the pigs, we popped out at a smelly seaweedy beach. Fortified with Dorset ice creams we opted for dry boots and the high road. Confusion and carparks drove us, thankfully, beachward.

Our last miles on the path were along beautiful sheltered superb sandy Studland bay; sparkling seas, golden sands, wonderful sea views and less wind!

Hand in hand my husband and I walked the last steps to the monument; 630 official miles over!

Later after a refreshing paddle, we headed for a drink at the closest cafe to meet the delayed charity representative. It was so lovely he came. Traffic chaos sadly cut our welcome congratulatory chat short!

Hopping into the car whilst waiting for the Sandbanks ferry, it all seemed a bit sureal!

Celebrating much later, at our local pub we thanked our kids for making our last few miles special; the biggest hero however is definitely my husband; thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has walked, helped and supported us over the last 8 weeks and each of those official 630miles; we couldn’t have done it without you! You are all amazing!

If you would like support our walk for Alzheimer’s the two charity just giving pages are


Thank you


PS We drove home.

Official SW Coast path: 15miles

Official running total: 630miles

Winspit Quarry to Anvil point lighthouse.

Durlston Castle, through Swanage to Studland bay.

Studland bay along Sandbanks beach.

The end of the walk at S Haven Point.

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1 Comment

Jun 29, 2022

Well done, you are both heroes. When is the next walk..................??????

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