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  • Writer's picturePaula Cooper

Monday 19:6:2023 Lisboa to London Tangible; Tardy; Tiresome

I tried one last time to see the cruise ships repeating my now familiar early morning running loop. No luck. However, the destroyer was still there, without it's military armed escort, so I risked a photo.

After packing and breakfast we stashed our bags at reception and wandered through the shopping area to buy souvenirs. The rain was back, so we took refuge in the Bacalhau museum. It was interactive, and thoroughly modern, a delightful telling of the history of cod fishing. The Portuguese fished for centuries around newfoundland and Iceland, fishing from tiny wooden skiffs, catching, preserving and salting the cod for the long return journey. During WWII Portuguese fishing fleets dominated, in the 1950's government backing cemented salt cod as a Portuguese staple. Today Portugal eats 20% of all cod consumed worldwide, however 70% is now imported from Norway.

After our last coffee and pastries and our last pastel de nada (vegan one to see what they taste like) we dragged our bags to the metro and headed for the airport. Smooth sailing, just a short delay in boarding made up during the flight, until we came to claim our baggage. No charmed air journey this time! There was a problem with the baggage doors. To be fair I had heard a horrid grinding as we disembarked! Well over an hour plus later, finally reunited with our bags, we met our exasperated younger daughter, paid her extortionate parking ticket and were chauffeured home.

Photos - just my snaps!


Early morning riverside run

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